Position Papers

Position papers set out the view of the ATCOs’ Branch on various topics and issues that arise. These are normally connected with significant regulatory or technological topics, and are used to communicate views to a wider audience than members. The positions arrived at are formed by branch policy, consultation with members and the views of section committees and the BEC. These can be downloaded below.

Position Paper On
Remote Tower Operations

Position Paper On Fatigue
& Fatigue Risk
Management Systems

Position Paper On
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Interim Response
To Brexit

Response To
CAP 1511

Position Paper On Ambient Microphones In ATC Operational Areas

Prospect ATCOs' Branch & ATSS Branch
response to CAP 1593

Prospect ATCOs' Branch & ATSS Branch
response to CAP 1605

Prospect ATCOs' Branch
response to CAP 1639

Prospect ATCOs' Branch & ATSS Branch
response to CAP 1634

Prospect ATCOs' Branch
Update On Brexit And UK ATM

Prospect ATCOs’ Branch update:

Developments within Remote Tower Operations (RTO) since 2015

ITF Working Paper On
Remote Tower Operations

Submission by Prospect to CAP1758 – Draft UK Reference Period 3 Performance Plan Proposals

Prospect ATCOs' Branch Position Paper On Equality, Diversity & Inclusion