Who are the ATCOs Branch

The ATCOs’ Branch, part of the Transport section of Prospect, represents Air Traffic Control Professionals working in the United Kingdom. Although the majority of its members are employees of NATS, an increasing number are employed by other ATS providers. ATCOs’ Branch members are not only Air Traffic Controllers but also other ATC specialists such as FISOs, Watch Managers, Training Managers and many other key roles

Air Traffic Management throughout the world is facing many challenges, including the deregulation of EU airspace and the introduction of new Air Navigation Service Providors which in some cases can result in our members working for new employers. Prospect understands the difficulties that such changes can present , and is able to provide effective, professional and considered representation both in the UK and internationally through our affiliations with the European Transport Workers Federation and International Workers Federation. Prospect has years of experience in protecting and advancing members’ interests in a fast changing world. Prospect is THE union for you. 

The ATCOs’ Branch is the most active within Prospect representing almost 2000 members and negotiating on a whole host of issues at both national and local level including Pay, Terms & Conditions, Working Practices, Training & Licensing and, of course, Safety. 

The Branch has members based at the two UK En-Route Centres, London Centre at Swanwick in Hampshire and the Scottish Centre at Prestwick in Ayrshire. 

London Centre – Swanwick Operations Room

Scottish Centre – Prestwick Operations Room

In addition, ATCOs’ Branch members are based at Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Farnborough, Gatwick, Gibraltar, Glasgow, Heathrow, London City, Luton, Manchester, Stansted and Southampton. There are also members at Western Radar, Aberporth Ranges and the College of Air Traffic Control. 





The ATCOs’ Branch is the most active within Prospect representing almost 2000 members and negotiating a whole host of issues at both national and local level including Pay, Terms & Conditions, Working Practices, Training & Licensing and, of course, Safety.

Our Representatives are actively engaged in the lobbying of both local MPs and central Government to ensure that Safety and the Terms & Conditions of our members are not compromised.

Contact Details:


New Prospect House

8 Leake St



Tel: 0300 600 1878

Email: [email protected]