International Civil Aviation Day

The 7th of December is International Civil Aviation Day (#WorldCivilAviationDay), a day on which we celebrate the importance of international civil aviation to worldwide social and economic development.  This day is one to consider, recognise and appreciate the unique role of the United Nations International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in helping nations to cooperate and realise a global rapid transit network that can benefit all of humankind.  The 2019 observance of #FlyDay carries extra significance because it marks 75 years since the signing of the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation.

The 52 nations who were a party to that gathering, known as the Chicago Convention, collectively acknowledged that the development of international civil aviation could create and preserve global friendship and understanding among the nations and peoples of this planet.  It also recognised that any abuse could become a threat to the general security of the world. With that understanding, the governments of those nations agreed on certain principles and arrangements to develop civil aviation in a safe and orderly manner to benefit all.

You can learn more about the history of this important international aviation teamwork and why we celebrate today as an important moment for international cooperation towards the advancement of aviation worldwide by visiting

The ATCOs’ Branch joins many other aviation organisations across the world in celebrating the International Civil Aviation Day and understands the continuing importance of working together in civil aviation as we strive to move towards a globally sustainable civil aviation system.

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