Season’s Greetings
As 2019 comes to a close it’s appropriate that we reflect on what has been a particularly challenging year. Leaving aside the chaos of Parliament and all things Brexit, this year has seen significant challenges for our membership. 2019 saw our first industrial action in over 30 years, record membership levels, successful recognition agreements and the unchartered waters of a CMA referral to name but a few. There is undoubtedly a lot to learn from the past twelve months, as there is every year, such as commitment, discipline in our approach, clarity of our objectives, preparation and application – not only with the management teams of ANSPs but between ourselves.
We are in good shape to face whatever challenges 2020 and beyond throws at us all. Membership is at an all-time high, it’s great to see the hard work put in place some years ago finally reaching fruition. We can’t, however, rest on our laurels, there is still much work to do to ensure that Prospect and the ATCOs’ Branch remain the premier union for Aviation workers in the UK. Organisation and engagement remain high, we have run a series of schools this year and Conference saw the addition of further training opportunities that will ensure our representatives are fully prepared for the challenges ahead.
I’d like to personally thank the Branch Executive, Steve our National officer, the team at Prospect Centrally and the Personal Case team for all the work they do on your behalf. Much of what your representatives do goes unseen, but we should all be grateful for the contributions they make. Everyone is better off for the work that they do.
Christmas is a time for tradition, and I’d like to continue with my own and as such close my message as I do every year. It’s all too easy to forget at times that 99% of the people working on your behalf are volunteers who work for you in their own time. As it’s the season of goodwill to all, I have a favour to ask yet again – next time you see your local representative just take a little time to say thanks for the work they do. It won’t take you long, but I know it would be greatly appreciated.
Many of you will be working over the festive period doing what we do every day of the year, 365 days, 24 hours a day – providing a safe and efficient service to the flying public. I know they are all safe in your hands – it’s in our DNA, it’s what we do, after all, their safety is our profession.
I wish you and your families a happy and peaceful Christmas and best wishes for the New Year,
Chair ATCOs’ Branch
It’s not my union or the BEC’s union – it’s YOUR union, Be Part of it.